Custom foil typography prints

Stunning custom foil word art prints in gold or silver for real impact.

Designed to make your designs pop, our foil typography prints are individually handmade on 300gsm paper. Available in 5 sizes (up to a huge 30x40") our foil word art prints are made from a non-woven material with a polyester backing for a premium, heavyweight feel.

  • Worldwide shipping

    We ship both our rolled and framed prints worldwide for just £2.99 and £7.99 respectively.

    Our global network of print facilities means that we're able to manufacture closer to wherever you are in the world. It's faster and greener.

  • Proven packaging

    We have years of experience in shipping prints internationally.

    It’s extremely rare for damage or breakages to occur, but if they do, we’ll always offer to refund or replace.

Technical specifications

Materials Sustainably sourced heavyweight foil paper
Weight 300gsm
Texture Smooth metallic
Printing Direct UV digital printing
Sizes 6x8" to 30x40" (15x20cm to 75x100cm)
Production 72 hours or less
Ships Worldwide

Ready to create your custom foil word art?